My name is Leonora!
So glad you stopped by! Let’s get to the heart of the matter.
We have limits. We all get 24 hours in a day and an unknown amount of days in our lifetime. We don’t know the number of days and won’t ever know. We know the present only. Saying that, each day matters. I strive to ask myself each day, “What am I doing today and right at this moment to make a difference in my life. Not for my husband, parents, friends or work family. What am I doing to take care of me”? After all, if I am empty, how can I have anything left to give to the ones I care about?
On this site, you will find ways to tackle life head on, starting with how to eat right. Food can both fuel your body and help it thrive or do the exact opposite. Learn ways to incorporate a little bit of action (exercise) into your day, every day. In some cases you won’t even know you are “exercising.” Read reminders and tips on how to care for your soul and spirit. What makes you want to get up in the morning and what give you purpose and strength? What are you passionate about?
I am just a little woman from Texas, who gets too busy and has a hard time staying still sometimes. I have a big heart and love the Lord. Can we cheer each other on in our journey? Join me and let’s have fun along the way.
Hugs, Leonora
Fun Facts!
- I have been married for 7 years. My husband and I can’t agree where we first met! (it was a series of meetings so we are both right)
- I work in Marketing Communications in the energy industry
- I studied Interior Design for one year and have a degree in Business Administration
- I have two cats that chose me and my husband to be their human! – Chateau and Peaches
- I love shopping, even if its window shopping
- I love to exercise. My favorite ways to workout is attending body pump class and free weights and machines at the gym. If I can’t make it to the gym, I work out at home.
- I enjoy watching action, comic or suspense movies with my husband (these are the type of movies we can both agree on.) Yay for compromising! Its a win-win.
- I wish I could clone myself, so I would have more time to do the things I love!