Fitness Post-workout

How To Use Essential Oils For Post-Workout/Workout

Essential oils have been used for their healing properties for a long while. These concentrated plant extracts are becoming quite popular in modern day as they were in ancient cultures around the world. For anyone working out regularly to maintain body fitness and wellness, adding essential oils to your pre and post-workout regimen has numerous advantages. These oils help in relieving stress or tension present in your body, helping it recover faster. Applying these oils to your skin helps you relax, soothe any soreness or fatigue and also helps you recover for your next exercise routine.


After properly warming up as stated in the previous article, Using Essential Oils in your Pre-Workout, there are certain essential oils that help enhance your energy levels, increase your endurance and improve your focus levels. These can equip you for a much more effective workout. You can now work out easily and focus on being more hydrated throughout your exercise, work on your technique and giving your all in your workout.

Exercise Technique

Focusing on your exercise technique can help identify ways in which to reduce any injuries or damage to muscles that could easily have been inflicted during your workout. Keep your breathing steady and regular especially when doing any aerobic exercises. When using weights, remember to exhale when exerting forces. This helps keeps your regimen in check and allows for you to minimize any occurrence of injuries. Do not over exert yourself, the whole purpose of this workout is get stronger and not injured.

lady with pilates ball

Proper Hydration

This helps in flushing out any unwanted toxins from the body which it releases during a workout session. To keep yourself well hydrated throughout your exercise, you can add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to your water intake prior to your workout to keep you focused and alert throughout.

Cool Down And Recovery

After your workout for maximum muscle gains it is important to replace your glycogen levels by drinking a replacement shake containing carbs and proteins. Approximately 20-30 grams of carbs and protein each are needed. Try Pure Protein powder. Drink this within 15 after you complete your workout session. If not then the body will take fuel from your muscles and that is not good if you want more definition and shape in your figure.

Now that you have finished your workout session, you can focus on helping your body heal from the exertions it has been put through when exercising. The use of essential oils and a few supplements can help the body cool down and recover better.

Proteins are an essential addition to the body post-workout. These will help in building enzymes needed during workouts that require a lot of endurance like biking and running. Having a Slique Bar within reach to refuel greatly helps.

NingXia Red will help in replenishing any nutrients and antioxidants lost during your exercise routine.


Having PanAway essential oils in your gym bag is a must. This essential oil blend applied onto your skin can help with soothing sore and tight muscles. It just takes a few drops to help when experiencing discomfort after exercising. This essential oil is a blend of Wintergreen, Helichrysum, Clove, and Peppermint, which are soothing and cooling. The aroma will also stimulates your senses, keeping you alert and energized.

Lemongrass Essential Oil

These oil will help you relax and soothe aching muscles post-workout. Applying this essential oil will help reduce muscle inflammation and will help you get back to exercising hard the next day, if you have properly recovered. For even better results, combine this oil with basil, clary sage and coconut oil and rub the blend on the affected body part.

essential oils

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender oil has been known for its therapeutic properties. It can help calm your body, soothe inflamed muscles and improve blood circulation. Add a few drops of this essential oil to your bath for that calming and soothing effect. You can also combine it with some Marjoram and Roman Chamomile oils to make this a more soothing post-workout bath.

Peppermint Essential Oil

This works well as both a pre-work and post-workout remedy. It can help improve your alertness before starting exercising, keeping your energy levels boosted and can relieve tight aching muscles post-workout. It can aid the body to relax and recover much faster when applied to the affected area. If you have Young Living Vitality line of essential oils, then you can ingest the oil in water. Or also you can stimulate the senses by placing a few drops in your palms and breath in the aroma. This helps in reducing any mental fatigue. This essential oil is also good for any bruises or bites.

Gently massage a few drops of this oil after your workout and do some light stretching to help prep your muscles for the next workout.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Massaging this essential oil onto any sore muscles and joints helps in relieving the aches and pains on them. Eucalyptus contains a strong pain-relieving property when massaged gently in sweeping motions to help remove the lactic acid build up that causes muscle fatigue. When blended with coconut oil and applied on your neck, throat, and temple, it can help support a healthy respiratory system.

Marjoram Essential Oil

This particular essential oil has warming and soothing properties. It can be combined with other oils such as roman chamomile, thyme, cypress, peppermint, and lemon to be added to your bath post-workout to help in relieving any muscle and joint pain. It also helps in regulating blood pressure, improving blood circulation, reducing occurrences of indigestion and improving your brain health for overall fitness.

Better Health

The use of these essential oils post-workout can help in greatly reducing any muscle pain, improving your brain health and leaving you feeling ready to get back to exercising the next day after a good workout. Be sure to not over exert yourself as this could cause an injury which may make recovery quite difficult. Essential oils are an important addition to your pre and post-workout routines.

Have you used essential oils before in your exercise routine? Which ones and how have you benefited from them?