My word for this year is “start.” It’s a word that is overly analyzed and can be very intimidating. Behind it unconsciously can lie the fear of failure, not wanting to be uncomfortable and maybe a little bit of laziness. Have you ever thought, “I can’t start because I am not ready. I need more time to prepare. It won’t be perfect.”? Can we give ourselves permission to feel those things and take the first step ANYWAY. There is never a better time than the present. Block out the noise. Let those useless thoughts pass by. Don’t give them power to take root in your mind. Just simply start by taking the first step. On the other side is power and strength. Not perfection, but pride in yourself, dignity, courage and the ability to tweak as you go. Continually growing, always improving. What is one thing that you have put off from doing for a while? What is a desire in your heart? Take a second to believe it can happen for you and let the thought of possibility and hope grow in YOU. You can do it! You deserve it! SIMPLY START. ?

start runner